No one ever woke up to 1 Million followers or loyal customers over-night. The question that arises is “What must’ve been their secret recipe?”. While each one of these success stories involves struggles, years of dedication, passion and an ambitious attitude, you can always learn how to climb your way up to the top through some simplified strategies and statistics. Ti get actionable insights on growing your followers on Instagram, read further.


Have you ever been sick to the stomach about ways to create and promote your personal branding or how to generate traffic on your Instagram page by multiplying the number of followers after your every engagement? Well, not anymore!

To provide a solution to all these innumerable problems that you may be facing on a day-to-day basis while trying to build a platform which reaches out to a wider segment, we’ve listed simple yet fundamental tricks to help you get closer to your target audience. 

STEP 1 : Post Great Content

(and not just sales posts)

How to grow followers on instagram

“Content is King” – Bill Gates

It builds the very foundation of your business, it fuels your other marketing strategies and it educates your audience about whatever your brand stands for. If done right, could work as an asset for your branding; if done wrong, could even be futile for your business as it may not generate a lot of traffic. For you to write a content which is engaging and relevant, you need to understand the very purpose and aim of your business. This is often termed as the “why” of the business. Don’t forget to complement great content with great consistency! Don’t be afraid to display your creativity here, don’t be worried about the ridicules and critical corrections you might receive on the way as they help you and your business grow! Learn, adapt and observe. To get more content ideas to grow followers on instagram, visit Neil Patel’s website

STEP 2 : Reply and Engage to grow more followers on Instagram

(with everyone who comments)

Content is king, but engagement is queen, and the lady rules the house! – Mari Smith

Engagement cannot be bought, it has to be built from scratch. To drive engagement on your page, connecting with your potential customers is the key. Guide them through their purchasing journey and solve their doubts by building a platform where they are can interact with you in real-time. If you create and post engaging content on your Instagram handle, don’t forget to reply back to everyone who comments. Your quick response to their problem reflects your concern for your prospects. That is when you’re truly making your brand visible on any given platform. This helps you build a responsible and trusted reputation for your potential customers or targeted audience.

STEP 3 : Try Doing Instagram Live 

(with like minded personalities)

“Recognize that every interaction you have is an opportunity to make a positive impact on others” – Shep Hyken

When you do live sessions with like-minded personalities on your Instagram live, it helps you gain a competitive edge. The more efforts you put in increasing your visibility, the more people will want to engage with your brand. What is of more importance here is that you are not just connecting with the prospects to whom you want your brand to reach out, but you are also developing relations with the professionals who are in a business similar to yours. This helps you gain valuable insights by learning from their past experiences which, in turn, enhances your professional approach. 

STEP 4 : Promote Your Instagram Everywhere!

(like the one below) 

“Being ready isn’t enough, you have to be prepared for a promotion or any other significant change.” – Pat Riley

To grow your business, you need to seize every chance and opportunity you get. If you use multiple platforms, make sure you promote your brand on each one of them. The reason is simple, on most of the platform that you use you would be having a different section of people interacting with you. For instance, on Instagram, you may have friends and family, which is nothing less than a group with whom you share a personal connection. On the other hand, you may be using LinkedIn which is a platform mainly for professionals or working-class individuals. This wide yet diverse section of individuals too have their own personal and professional connections. If they develop a sense of liking towards your brand, their word-of-mouth can do miracles for you! You can even promote your Instagram handle on goods, merchandise or other promotional articles.  

STEP 5 : Run Giveaways & Contests 

(to give you the extra push)

“The only way to outdo, to outperform the competition is to offer something unique and something better than they have.” – Tim Soulo

Who is not a fan of free giveaways! These work as a win-win situation for both, the offeror and the offeree, driving insane engagement to your Instagram page. Recommendations play a crucial part in winning these contests. Contests and giveaways help you to gain followers systematically. This gradual process and professional approach help you to outperform your competitors. The message of these contests and giveaways should be loud and clear to your targeted audience because they will be responsible for stimulating traffic on your page. What you offer should be authentic and unique which gives them an extra push to recommend it to their fellow mates.

STEP 6 : Engage with Stories 

(create poll, Q&A, etc)

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

500 million users use Instagram Stories every day. Imagine the rate of conversion you could achieve if you put up engaging content on your story every day. These could be in the form of stories, polls or even Q & As to reveal exciting facts and figures. One simple click to these will help you create a network with your potential customers. These also help in collecting feedback which can be used later on to improve the areas that fail to fulfill your viewers’ satisfaction. At the same time, they help you recognize areas where you’ve been appreciated so that you may continue providing with those specific services or products. It helps you maintain long-term goals.

Check more blogs which will help you to grow your followers on Insagram here