Small business do have budget restrictions and hence it is very important to be cautious on every dine spent, here are digital marketing strategies for business:

  1. Run Facebook & Instagram ads – These are ads that are very cost-effective and thanks to their extreme level of targeting they really get you the ROI.

2. Google My Business – Always have a Google My Business account, it’s free and can help you generate ample local leads. If you are B2C or even B2B, it is highly recommended you have a Google My Business account. Also, ensure you keep updating it from time to time.

3. Organic Social Media – Having a presence on Social Media is very important, make sure you regularly keep posting on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube (make meaningful videos), Linkedin, etc. Every time you create a post, always remember to address ‘is this interesting or informative’ for users?

4. Free and Paid webinars – Treat webinars like ‘Movie Trailer’, if people like the trailer they will buy tickets to watch the movie. Run free and paid webinars and attract the audience.

5. Content Marketing – Needless to say content is the king, always ensure you uploading quality content. Like said earlier, every time you create a post, always remember to address ‘is this interesting or informative’ for users?

6. What’s App Marketing – Create a Whats App business account for your business, please DO NOT SPAM people. Only use what’s app to address queries of people, survey results have shown people prefer chatting over calling.

7. Collaborations – The power of collaboration is unpresidential. Imagine if you are a bakery (making cakes), it makes so much sense that you collaborate with flower brand. When we say collaborate, it means you post for the flower store and let flower store post on social media for you.

8. Influencer Marketing – Approach various influencers do all possible deals like – paid and barter. Imagine the thousands of their followers seeing your post, the kind of brand awareness it will create without burning a big hole in your pocket.

We at N.S. Academy would strongly recommend the above steps for each small business and if implemented correctly it will definitely help.

N.S. Academy is Digital Marketing training institute, if you are looking for a digital marketing course you can contact us by calling us on +91-9076631638 or visit